The Gift of Light on Winter Solstice
In the busyness of the season, it is easy to forget that we are in the deepest, darkest time of the year. We find ourselves busy running around, meeting the demands and responsibilities of the world… neglecting our own spirit, while all along there is an exquisite gift hidden that remains untouched, during the Winter Solstice.
As we come to Dec. 21st, the Winter Solstice, the darkest, longest night of the year, there is a universal rhythm that offers us the gift of light… of Essence… of the very seed of our life. The solstice is the time of year that asks us to go deep within and blesses us with the gifts of renewal, purity, essence, and soul transformation; marked by a time of death on the outer.
If we take the time to tune into the season and realign ourselves with the rhythm of the universe, this metaphorical death is capable of shedding our burdens completely, a process that started with the autumn season at the Fall Equinox… and culminates with the Winter Solstice. This time of year, offers us an opportunity to dive deeply into our darkness, into the unknown… and sit there surrendering to the not knowing… because in the ‘not knowing’ is where we can begin to allow divine consciousness to emerge with the essence of our light. This is the cyclical time to let ourselves release our attachments to our personality, to our emotional body, to our mental body, to our beliefs and just experience ourselves in the Essence of our light… the sacred nature of ESSENCE that we all are. This time of year offers us stillness, time to truly listen, time to release all the pressures and expectations upon ourself and reconnect with our holiness within.
Many of us have been disconnected from nature’s rhythm and ourselves as part of nature… resulting in much stress in our lives and in our bodies. This stress usually shows up in our nervous system as anxiety, hypervigilence, insomnia and in our endocrine system; with hormonal imbalances, emotional instability, reproductive imbalances, thyroid issues and many more. Taking the time to reestablish this rhythm within us… allows us to reconnect with our true power, allowing the healing light through all the levels of our body… where it has been absent for so long. This light within, carries all the universal qualities including the qualities of healing and it is the key element in healing our BODY~HEART~SOUL. The winter solstice offers this opportunity to reestablish our relationship with our own light and bring healing through.
We are living in times in which many humans are awakening on the planet. What are we awakening to? The light that we are… the truth of who we are… to our LIGHT ESSENCE that expresses through our physical body. We are awakening to the sacredness that this light, within us, is. We are not limited to our personality… to our feelings… to our thoughts… to our beliefs…. this is all our conditioned experience of life, which we have been identifying with. We are so much more than that… we have the ability to just be pure unconditioned consciousness… expressing through this vehicle we call body. This doesn’t mean we do not have thoughts, or we cannot have emotions, or opinions… but when we identify with our opinions and mistaken it for who we are… we limit our truth and create pain and suffering within. So, in our discovery process of feeling our LIGHT ESSENCE within ourselves this Winter solstice, set the intention to shed everything thats in the way… all the judgments and limiting thoughts of who you think you are!
Gently remind yourself that you are not limited to feeling like a victim, or powerless, or worthiness dependent of accomplishments, or good or bad… expand yourself and think of yourself as that which is pure awareness… experiencing this world of form. You are the LIGHT ESSENCE of awareness… experiencing the world of emotions, thoughts, and beliefs… but not necessarily limited to those.
If you would like to explore this further… join me on Dec. 21st, Winter Solstice, while we dive deeply into an experiential Conscious Feminine Meditation for the Winter Solstice… connecting with the LIGHT of our being… on FACEBOOK LIVE 10:30AM @ConsciousFeminineMedicine. And then during this Winter solstice season, practice creating secluded time for yourself to cultivate and strengthen your relationship with your true LIGHT ESSENCE, perhaps lighting a candle everyday…. and practicing experiencing your LIGHT ESSENCE every day!
Many blessings… Merry Christmas… Blessed Winter Solstice… and much love to all!
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