What we do... ConsciousFeminineMedicine.com
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What we do…

“Suffering in our bodies is a higher calling to discover our True Nature of Divine Light.” -Dr. Murciano


Conscious Feminine Medicine

~changing the Collective story of the Feminine one WOMAN at  a time thru…



~Consciousness~Spiritual Alchemy~Embodiment


Conscious Feminine Medicineis a global movement created to consciously awaken the sacred nature of every woman on the planet- thus ending the physical  and emotional cycle of suffering in their bodies and soul.   Conscious Feminine Medicine™ offers an umbrella of teachings, workshops, retreats, online programs and personal service that are committed to raising the consciousness of the Feminine Soul and helping women integrate the Sacredness in their being. Through a fierce commitment to our light and divine nature in our humanity, Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna has created various programs, in order to facilitate and created a global movement of the Conscious Feminine.

Offerings: We are constantly integrating new programs, unfolding the path of Conscious Feminine Medicine.  So check back often for our offerings.



Conscious Feminine Medicine Events 

Monthly Conscious Feminine programs available for women’s awakening, healing and Self Realization.

 Visit our Conscious Feminine Medicine Events here. 




School of Conscious Feminine Medicine 

Free Transformational Videos for Women’s Healing & Transformation on our You tube channel: Conscious Feminine Medicine.
Conscious Feminine Healership Certification Programs-




Nourishing Women™

Nourishing Women™  is the personal service and treatments offered at our center in South Florida and over skype sessions.  We offer transformational healing & integrative therapies to women, in order to address the split that women have experienced between their bodies and their being; which has resulted in the pervading disorders that women are experiencing in their bodies. Most feminine disorders of infertility, painful menses, challenging menopause, autoimmune diseases, etc… have a their roots in reproductive, hormonal or endocrine  imbalance and stem from an epidemic of cultural and personal disconnect with the Feminine Soul.  Aside from the physical components of biochemistry, most of these disorders have to be addressed from the psycho-spiritual nature, in order to resolve it at the root and bring the body back into physical alignment of health.

Nourishing Women™ weaves these three tenets together to offer the best of both worlds, the seen and the unseen to women.  We offer body-centered therapies that heal your physical body, along with addressing the underlining subtle bodies (thoughts and emotions) that are the blueprints for health in your physical body; the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.  True healing happens when we address this blueprint… rather than just the symptoms.  We offer testing; along with Ancient modalities of healing; and Nutritional support, in order to find the complete healing for your being.


 Women’s Health,  Endocrine, Fertility & Nervous System

Physical, Emotional & Mental Imbalances

~addressing not just physical imbalances… but also deep suffering and discontentment in our lives on any level.


  • Psycho-Emotional-Spiritual : Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Panic, PTSD & mood disorders.
  • Gynecological & Reproductive Disorders; Endometriosis, Polycystic ovaries, Painful periods, Cysts, Fibroids, Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, Infertility, Hormones, Menopause.
  • Endocrine: Hormone, Thyroid, Adrenals.
  • Automimmune disorders.
  • Digestive and Gut Dysbiosis.
  • Migraines & Physical Pain.
  • Infertility  & Infertility w/IVF


‘a global movement dedicated to the evolution of the Feminine Soul.

evo-lu-tion: noun; The process in which one becomes more adequate to function better than those who stood before him.


Many times the disorders and imbalances we experience in our bodies are a wake up call from the deepest part of our being; as an opportunity to break through our psyche’s limitations and “evolutionize” ourselves to a greater empowered sense reality and of our highest Truth.   By acknowledging/ realizing our limiting beliefs, thoughts, emotions etc., related to our present condition, we are able to breakthrough into a new paradigm and aligning with the morphogenetic blueprint of restoration in our physical body. Healing is thus available through awareness and listening of our physical and subtle bodies; treating the body and the psyche.


Get Started with

30 min FREE consult with Dr. Murciano



We offer Personalize Healing Intensives, Group circles, Workshops, Integrative Services, on line Programs and a Membership program.  What’s right for you? In order to assess what is right for you, Dr. Murciano will meet with you for 30 minutes for a FREE consult  and to discuss your needs & you can decide how to begin your Healing journey!



Work with Dr. Murciano
Fertility Programs
Conscious Feminine Healership Certification Programs
Endocrine Saliva Testing