Conscious Feminine Healing Circle is Back!
Conscious Feminine Healing Circle is Back !
Imagine experiencing mini retreat where you can release the heaviness, the sadness, the overwhelming thoughts that have been creating imbalance in your body and heart. Imagine reconnecting with your body and your essence in a whole new way. You will be able to understand what your body is needing and how to nurture this new way of being! Imagine being an Empowered Woman with the understandings and ability to create healing, peace and happiness within yourself! Imagine clearing the frustrations, hurts or pain that’s been causing physical imbalances! Imagine suddenly discovering the secret to the cause of your unhappiness, hopelessness or stuckness and how to transform it! This is what you will experience in the Conscious Feminine Healing Circle.
The Conscious Feminine Healing Circle is a mini-workshop for Women to heal their bodies, heart and soul while bringing conscious awareness to your essence of the Feminine within. The Conscious Feminine Healing circle allows us to release old conditioning patterns of rejection, shame and fear that have veiled women from their own power and contributed to many of the disorders they experience physically.
What is the Conscious Feminine? The Conscious Feminine is an aspect of our primordial essence, innately carried by women, which is connected to creativity, fertility and manifestation of life itself. Spend some time to experience this essence and embody it in your being.
Thousands of women are suffering with anxiety, fear, depression, shame, infertility, reproductive disorders, cancers, immune disorders, thyroid disorders, feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. Culturally, we have disconnected ourselves from our true essence of Light, living with an unfulfilled outwardly direction towards pleasure. Yet, the fulfillment and healing we seek comes from integrating the primordial essence of the feminine and masculine into our being and valuing what each of these energies within has to bring to the table.
How does this Conscious Feminine Healing Circle help me?
The Conscious Feminine Healing Circle offers a mini-workshop for women to transform and heal their physical bodies through the use of their energetic bodies. This includes working with their Kundalini energy & Chakras, balancing endocrine, nervous, immune, reproductive system and all the organ systems. Each participant will experience ancient healing wisdom of Quantum Integrative Healing™ incorporating Kundalini & Sufi practices, Conscious Meditation™, Qi cultivation & NSEV™ Acupuncture/Acucords. These practices allow us to become aware and release patterns (conditioning) of emotions, thoughts and beliefs that are blocking our divine nature of light through each chakra center. As we release these conditioning patterns within our consciousness, we are able to feel our true power and harmonize our bodies.
By bringing conscious awareness to our Feminine not only are we able to heal physically, but we also create harmony, within ourselves and reflect it in our world. True peace and healing in our world begins with each one of us, by looking at the conditioning that we have accumulated and letting go, giving birth to our True Selves. We bring harmony to the seen with the unseen, and to the material world with the inclusion of the energetic forces; thus transforming the imbalances we have unconsciously created in our physical body, our psyche and our planet.
Conscious Feminine Healing Circle is conducted throughout South Florida by Dr. Leonor N. Murciano, open to a limited number of women. For more information/registration please contact Nourishing Women at [email protected] or call 954.450.4548. Circle dates: Oct. 11th, Dec.13th,2014.
If you would like to experience a new reality of your True self and explore your healing possibilities either through private sessions, long-distance skype, workshops, classes or on line programs please contact Dr. Leonor N. Murciano at Contact@ NourishingWomen.com
Dr. Leonor N. Murciano
‘Conscious Medicine for Women”
sept 2014
©NourishingWomen™ all rights reserved
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